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Task 7

1. What mistakes does Crusoe make? (copy the words/sentence parts) 

- I went to work upon this boat the most like a fool that ever man did who had any of his senses awake.
     -But I put a stop to my inquiries into it by this foolish answer which I gave myself.
     -I felled a cedar-tree, and I question much whether Solomon ever had such a one for the building of the Temple of Jerusalem.
     -I was twenty days hacking and hewing at it at the bottom; I was fourteen more getting the branches and limbs and many more like these.

2. How does Crusoe respond to setback(s)?
he always goes to the limit because he really wants to achieve his goal. And he knows himself that he can do it, so he will not let himself be stopped by anything or anyone.

3. What lesson(s) does Crusoe learn?
next time he has to do more research into what he wants to do and not start and then find out that it does not actually work.

4. What message about the middle class is Defoe telling us?
he tries to say that nobody determines how to live, you have to go ahead and do what you like and what you feel good about. your future is not destined from which class you were born in

5. Watch the Castaway raft scene. What similarities or difference are there? (think of methods of the author/producer, moods, experience, characters, etc.). 
 They are both very determined to reach their goal. the difference is in Robinson Crusoe he wants to do this for himself. In the movie, he has to work this hard because otherwise, he would not survive.
